When I embraced Alexandria, I was faced with the - ahem - UNIQUE problem of explaining the Camarilla, the Jyhad, etc. (all very adult concepts, what would we do without them? Don't answer that.) to a very young child. The result is amusing... Fred's Notes to Alexandria First, the six traditions. Memorize these for the test. 1 - Keep the whole blooducking bit secret. 2 - The prince is the school principal. Don't anger him. His idea of a dunce cap has a pointed wooden end. 3 - Ask the Prince and ME before you create any more vampires. 4 - Ya need to be introduced to the Prince before you can do anything. 5 - If you go elsewhere, always show yourself to the Prince. 6 - Don't kill anybody magical. Next, Vocabulary. The Anarchs - Just keep your head down when they attack. Otherwise, don't bother with 'em. Blood Hunt - If one gets called on YOU, RUN, RUN, RUN! The Camarilla - A very large camel sale. Buy one hump, get one hump free. The Prince - The big cheese, the head honcho, the presidente-for-life. Avoid him. The Sabbat - Bogeymen and bullies. The Clans Brujah - Schoolhouse bullies. Gangrel - Cool. Malkavians - Us. Undoubtedly the coolest clan ever. We rule. Nosferatu - They look like monsters. They're more like "cookie" monsters. Give one a cookie. Toreador - Adults. Tremere - Villains from Disney movies. Darth Vader was a Tremere. Ventrue - Adults. Followers of Set - See Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Ravnos - Cool, but never take candy bars from 'em. Daughters of Cacophony - Better singers than Barney. Samedi - People in desperate need of flowers. Lasombra - Monsters from under the bed, from in the dark. Tzimstice - Monsters from the late, late, late, late show. Dracula. Humans The FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, KGB, MI5, DNA, Pentex, Scotland Yard, the Society of Leopold, the Arcanum, and COBRA - Strangers. Don't get in any cars with 'em. Werewolves - OK, but a bit too hairy. Ghouls - Humans with vamp blood in 'em. Adults nonetheless. Other "Stuff" Frenzy - Don't worry, be happy. Death - Stay away from these: Fire, Sunlight, Stakes, Claws, Teeth, etc. Pain is bad. Don't get hurt. Disciplines - I know you can "hide", but NEVER play "peekaboo" with mortals. Never look into a Tremere's eyes.